
Building Science

"Spray-in-place foam insulation, closed cell polyurethane insulation meets all the criteria for thermal, air and moisture isolation, as well as reversibility in all types of buildings in every climate in North America." Prepared by Neal E. Ganser, Corbond® Corporation.

"Faced with meeting increasingly stringent energy codes and a growing demand for green, high-performance features, builders nationwide are looking to maximize the energy efficiency of their homes without blowing the budget. The easiest and most economical step to creating energy-efficient homes is to master building envelope and air sealing design." Prepared by Joe Wiehagen, Amber Wood & David Mallay

"The rim joist can be air sealed and insulated with caulk and batt insulation, or rigid foam cut to fill the space between each floor joist and sealed in place with spray foam." Prepared by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory & Oak Ridge National Laboratory

"Foam-in-place technology is playing an increasingly important role in establishing a tight building envelope. Closed-cell foams are very effective at managing air leakage and can have high R-values of up to 7 per inch." Prepared by Mark LaLiberte

"Combining ever-improved levels of air tightness with the capacity for modest amounts of continuous ventilation ensures you are building comfortable, durable, healthy, and efficient homes." Prepared by Gord Cooke

"By stopping air infiltration, we are also limiting fresh air exchange and thereby restricting the escape of built up humidity from the building…The house has the best possible energy savings and is now in a condition where it is under control from the forces of nature." Prepared by Corbond Corporation

"Spray foam adheres tenaciously to all construction surfaces including all board insulations. This develops high R-Value air barriered walls at minimum wall thickness and insulates framing." Prepared by Neal E. Ganser

"[Houses] feel more comfortable because the additional insulation keeps the interior wall at a more comfortable and stable temperature. The indoor humidity is also better controlled, and drafts are reduced. A tightly sealed air/vapor retarder reduces the likelihood of moisture and air seeping through the walls. They are also very quiet because the extra insulation and tight construction helps to keep exterior noise out better." Prepared by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

"Closed-cell spray polyurethane foam wall-insulation systems provide a continuous air barrier, improved building strength and significant thermal performance." Prepared by Honeywell

"Our preferred insulation is dense- pack cellulose, installed at a density of 21/2 pounds per cubic foot. Dense-pack cellulose helps reduce air infiltration and fills in especially well around mechanicals, wires, plumbing, and odd-shaped or tight spaces." Prepared by Paul Bourke

"Perhaps the greatest advantage SPF offers is that it provides a monolithic layer of insulation, with no seams or other imperfections in the thermal barrier. Because it bonds aggressively and completely to just about anything it contacts, the foam creates a superior vapor barrier around plumbing and other slab penetrations." Prepared by Mike Pindell

"If you are using traditional framing, use any type of blown-in insulation so it fits and fills the wall as tightly and completely as possible." Prepared by Mark LaLiberte

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