Construction Problems
Spray Foam Insulation Chicago, Spray Foam Insulation Illinois
Innovative Insulation Solutions, Ltd. uses Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation to solve the problems that plague construction today. The areas that Closed Cell Spray Foam is used are the following:
Exterior Walls

Multiple Products and Applications
Fiber glass batts with sheet vapor retarder; may also require additional air sealing for air barrier continuity

No Air Barrier
Fiber glass batts without continuous vapor retarder or air seal could allow condensation on sheathing. No resistance to entrance of pathogens, allergens and mold spores
Problems Solved with Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation

Single Application offers Multiple Functions
Durable Insulation, Vapor Retarder and Air Barrier all in a single material

Dependable Air Sealing
No air leakage to carry moisture and condense on cold exterior walls. Assists in controlling indoor air quality, helping prevent mold and mildew
At-Grade Band Joists
Basement Walls
Cantilevered Floors
2nd Floor Band Joists
Floors Over Garages
Soffit Areas/Underside Of The Roof